
Pay public for evidence of illegal acts

NST,Thursday, April 7, 2011 

I wish to respond to the article “Need to catch litterbugs in the act” (NST Streets, March 30) on the statement that local authorities should not be blamed for the lack of enforcement. 

The common excuse of our enforcement agencies is to either cite shortage of manpower or that their officers cannot be present everywhere. 

One must bear in mind that there are several stages in enforcement, beginning with surveillance, issuing of summons, collection of compound fines and prosecution, when necessary. 

The surveillance part of enforcement can be privatised without compromising on the powers and authority of the various agencies, which they so jealously guard. 

Private firms can be engaged to hire and train camera crews to videotape offenders caught in the act such as littering, illegal dumping, open burning, excessive smoke emitting from vehicles and factories and various traffic offences. 

The enforcement agencies should pay when clear evidence is submitted and issue the summons. 

There will be no shortage of camera crews on the streets and they are bound to be hardworking and efficient, as it involves private enterprise. 

To be fair to the public, the camera crews must wear bright colour uniforms and be in full view of the public. Their presence can also deter street crimes such as snatch thefts. 

Hard-core violators such as litterbugs, reckless drivers and those who park indiscriminately will be caught in the act. 

Continuing with the status-quo allows offenders to get away with impunity, which angers the public and could lead to others following their bad examples. 

YS Chan 

Kuala Lumpur 

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