
Put the brakes on errant cabbies with stiff penalties

TS,Monday May 3, 2010

According to “Most number of complaints against cabbies” (The Star, April 30), chairman
Datuk Halimah Sidique disclosed that the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board had so far
received 9,076 complaints in 2010.
Most of the complaints were against taxi drivers, followed by express bus drivers and lorry drivers.
Halimah added that “action will be taken against those found guilty”, which implies that no
action has been taken so far.
If I were a taxi driver, I would be particularly interested to find out exactly what were the punishments
meted out against errant taxi drivers.
If they are severe, I will be more careful.
If they are light, many taxi drivers will carry on with their antics and treat the warnings of the
authorities as mere rhetoric.

YS Chan
Kuala Lumpur

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