
One main reason why motorists drive dangerously

TS,Friday 19 November 2010 

Speeding, tailgating, switching lanes, dangerous overtaking, jumping red lights, using handheld devices, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and sleepiness have been blamed for road accidents. 

Perhaps a fresh approach is needed to make road safety campaigns more effective by focusing on underlying factors. 

Surprisingly, there is only one main reason why motorists drive dangerously – they are in a rush. 

Those caught in such situations and using hand-held devices while driving are courting bigger disasters. 

However, some motorists are just habitual rushers. They always rush for no good reason and are a nuisance on the road by driving recklessly weaving in and out of traffic and posing a danger to others. 

Then there are those who always wait until the last minute, whether it is starting a journey or paying a bill. As monthly bills are usually paid 30 days apart, choosing to pay just before the deadline for the first bill is likely to be continued in subsequent months. 

Likewise, for driving, it is better to wait at the point of arrival than departure. Many vehicles are driven at high speed when approaching KLIA and LCCT, probably to make up for lost time for being held up in traffic along the way. 

The Road Safety Council should develop certain auto-suggestion techniques for motorists to train their minds and ingrain in them that it does not pay to be in a rush under any circumstances. 

Unfortunately for some, realisation comes too late, after tragedy has struck. 

YS Chan 

Kuala Lumpur 

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