
Taxi driver with a ‘heart’ proves a hit

NST,16 April 2002
PC Shivadass

The sticker on the rear windscreen of this taxi “Nice people enrich my life more than money can
says a lot for cabby YS Chan.

After leading a “sheltered corporate life”, leasing limousines to companies and being in the travel 
and tour business, he decided to take to the road and work at his own pace.

That was a year-and-a-half ago. Contacted by phone, he said he initially had this notice in has cab:
This taxi is free for nice people”.

But the good intention became an embarrassment to him because people insisted on paying him and
with a tip as well.

Off came that notice and instead, he had: “I don’t like being asked or told to use the meter.
I always use the meter and don’t select passengers or trips

Please tell me your favourite route or deduct RM1 if you think I have driven an extra kilometer”.

If you don’t have enough money you can pay me later or just donate the money to a charity on
my behalf

Little wonder he has been a hit, especially with tourists who are moved to take pictures as a
reminder of a pleasant encounter.

“I used to interview people for jobs and, more often than not, I was able to size them accurately.
But one thing I learnt driving a taxi is that I cannot judge a passenger by his appearance.

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