
Look forward and move on

TS,January 5, 2011

Though Malaysians are proud of their history, and rightfully so, we are but a small speck in the history of humankind.

We are a developing country and most of the population is far from matured in thought. Most of our citizens tend to react more emotionally than rationally.

Politicians know this and many exploit it for selfish motives. It is easy to become popular by stoking emotions.

If those who fight and defend their race, religion, culture and language by making statements on rights, superiority, glory or dominance are allowed to succeed, they will actually be harming the people they are championing.

It is akin to parents spoiling their children by giving freely with little restrain. Whether they are from rich or poor families, spoiled kids are most likely to become adults with little drive and potential to succeed.

It is true that sometimes one has to be cruel to be kind. Likewise, those who seem to be kind are actually cruel. Those choosing to live or relive past glories are not forging ahead while others who see the light race past them.

We should not dwell too much on past success or failures but should learn from both. If we do not take a balanced view and continue to be inward looking, we would be no better than the frog under the coconut shell.

YS Chan

Kuala Lumpur

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