
Importance of courtesy

TS,Wednesday September 29, 2010 

Lacking in courtesy has encompassed all facets of our lives that we now seem to be nonchalant over this scourge. 

It is necessary to be courteous in order to be creditable. Lack of courtesy and respect are the main causes of petty quarrels within families. Likewise, in the workplace more energy is wasted on infighting than developing the organization. Many front-liners seem to be doing customers a favour. 

Of course, lack of courtesy is most apparent on our roads. We seldom make way for others and give way only to avoid a collision. Queue jumpers always make bottlenecks worst and motorists with no respect of yellow boxes and right of way create gridlocks. 

Concerted efforts by all parties are required to nurture and infuse courtesy in our society as it can promote harmony and efficiency, turn negative situations into positive and produce desired outcomes. 

YS Chan 

Kuala Lumpur 

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