
Giving freely has its setbacks

TS,Monday June 14, 2010

The initiative to distribute one million free laptop computers to secondary school students, as reported
in The Star on May 31, is to be lauded.

However, I am concerned with the implementation — a weak spot of Government agencies.

As not all one million laptop computers can be distributed simultaneously, I propose that students who
excel in studies, sports or conduct be given priority.

The weaker ones are to be given achievable targets to reach and should put in some effort before
getting their computers.

Things given away too freely are often not appreciated. Worst, it will breed a culture of not repaying
study loans, treating the money as a gift from the Government; relying on quotas and subsidies as
permanent crutches and consider rent seeking as pursuing respectable business.

People with the least potential were spoilt children and it does not matter whether they grew up in
rich or poor families.

Those who are also spoiled by the Government suffer double whammies. So beware — privileges
are double-edged swords.

YS Chan
Kuala Lumpur

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