
Be patriotic, not high in nationalistic spirit

TS,Sunday June 6, 2010

I refer to “Spirit of ‘kiasu’ is unsavoury” (The Star, June 2) and concur with the writer.

I would like to add that nationalism has its ugly side when all that matters is a game of one-upmanship.

Just being ahead of another country does not add value to our nation.

Those who attend flag-raising ceremonies and sing national songs but double park their cars and
litter the vicinity may be high in nationalistic spirits, but low in patriotism.

Citizens who study, work or train hard are patriotic. Those who contribute significantly to society
are the true patriots.

Although we need to be proud of ourselves, we will only pass the ultimate test when foreigners are
also proud of us, which can only be achieved through patriotism, not nationalism.

YS Chan
Kuala Lumpur

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