
Aspiring cabbies must be trained

TS,Wednesday June 23, 2010

“No taxi permit for ex-criminals” as reported in The Star, June 21 appears to be another
round of posturing and muscle flexing by the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (CVLB)
as no figures were given.
Having the police run a check on all applicants of taxi permits for criminal records does not
constitute vetting the applications thoroughly.
Instead, I would like to suggest that a mandatory short training course be held before taxi drivers 
are given their permits.
If not, the least the CVLB could do is to arrange for the successful applicants to pass an
aptitude test and ingrain in them what is expected of their services.
If not, many of the 3,000 taxi drivers given permits to operate the 1Malaysia taxis of the Proton
Exora model will be charging executive taxi rates instead of the budget taxis they are licensed as.
Already those driving the old Proton Saga taxis are charging their own rates instead of using the
meter. What is going to stop them from doing so when operating the much bigger and more
expensive Proton MPV?
Nothing will change if CVLB and the taxi drivers continue to do what they have been doing for
umpteen years.

YS Chan
Kuala Lumpur

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